sábado, 8 de janeiro de 2011

.∙ 21 things i want in a lover ∙.

Due to the recent situation which I find myself in I decided to follow Alanis steps and write something down about my ideal mate; not just a mate, but a lifetime partner.

1. Easygoing but not so much. Shyness is sexy too. If there’s something that can melt me down is a shy-naught-smile on the other of a man’s lips.

2. Intelligent. Too broad I know. Someone who can have a dissent conversation about any and everything and especially not turning it into himself all the fucking time. (Yes, that’s an INT). Wisdom also has to come with the territory.

3. Faithfull, trustful and confident. Alike but not the same. all equally important. And of course it must work both ways. I want to be trusted.

4. Sensitive and sensible: but not too much, I like it rough, too.

5. Ecologically, politically and socially aware: do I have to say why? Really?

6. He also has to have sympathy and altruism. Bring joy not just to me, but to those we love and respect and those who need.

7. Romantic as much as savage. Surprise me with both in the right proportion. Pro-activity is a must.

8. Not afraid to show who you are and who you are with. The same goes to your many formed, but flexible, opinions.

9. Talking about flexibility. You must be sexually versatile tending to bottom. And 100% gay. No bi allowed. I want to be able to satisfy 100% my partner.

10. I Love skinning and showering together. It’s also a must. The same it goes to sleeping. Cuddled up.

11. I wanna hear how much important I am to you and all the naught things you want to do.

12. Respect and freedom. The same goes to my friends.

13. to watch movies, prepare a romantic dinner, massage, long walk hand to hand.

14. Not afraid to kiss me goodbye in front of anyone. Nor uncomfortable for exchanging fries at the burger place.

15. Sex. I love it. No matter where, when or how. I’m a leo, JUST DO IT.

16. Gifts and remember special occasions. I simple message is enough.

17. Not short, and I don’t mean just heights.

18. I love explore new things. With respect, everything is possible.

19. Conversation and action. I love spending hours doing nothing and everything all together in a magic combo.

20. be a man.

21. Did I mention sex? Yes, double check that!

Bottom line 80% and no second chance. So be sure before subscribing. I run a tight ship.

# Alanis Morissette: 21 things I want in a lover

"These are 21 things that I want in a lover
Not necessarily needs but qualities that I prefer
I figure I can describe it since I have a choice in the matter
These are 21 things I choose to choose in a lover"

Motto: “There are only two types of guys out there. Ones that can hang with me and one that are scared”

segunda-feira, 3 de janeiro de 2011

.∙ Update 2010 ∙.

Faz tempinho que não passo por aqui. Tentei escrever várias vezes, mas a preguiça prevalece. Mas não passa de hoje.

Muita coisa acontece na minha vida nesses últimos meses. Top 7:

1. Voltei a vida de solteiro. Depois de um drama de 6 meses em novembro tudo acabou. Com final sempre digno de novela, mas saí com cabeça erguida sabendo que fiz de tudo para dar certo, como sabemos ‘it takes two’... não rola segurar sozinho então... paciência.

2. Aproximação maior com a família, em especial a minha mãe. Creio que o termino do namoro seja responsável, mas estava com saudade de passar tempo com ela. Sentar a beira da piscina na rede a noite, conversar na cama com ela, receber carinho... coisa que só filho único mimado sabe.

3. Mais gente sabendo de mim. Não que me importe em divulgar ou ocultar, mas é sempre bom ter apoio de amigos, carinho incondicional. Novas e mais fortes amizades aqui na cidade.

4. falando em amizade: Fb bombando, muitos amigos por lá, gente realmente decente e numa troca de energia muito boa. Essas férias permitiu que me aproximasse muito deles, pena que está acabando...

5. SEX: Dezembro foi o mês de descobertas e aventuras. Muita coisa rolou...

6. Paixoes: nossa, não pensei que alguém entraria tão rápido aqui no coração. Ainda conhecendo, muita gente bacana, possibilidades e probabilidades de voltar a me abrir incondicionalmente. Embora minha saúde tenha atrapalhado um pouco.

7. Promoção. É, tava merecendo, ainda não sei os detalhes, mas ainda rola nesse comecinho de ano. Novos desafios e muito trampo. Adoro. Ainda mais se vier com uma boa compensação salarial.

Bom, mais tarde mando outro texto. Ainda quero escrever uma crônica, mas as idéias estão ainda flutuando...

# Akcent: That’s my name

I want someone who's around for me
call your number twice
But it rang and rang
Against my best friends advice
I should be ashamed
Does it have to be so complicated?
Stop playing with me

Motto: “That’s my name, that’s your name”