quarta-feira, 30 de setembro de 2009

.∙Oops I… ∙.

I’m in my late twenties and I still find myself doing pre-adolescent stuff. It’s not that I regret doing so, but it’s interesting how some things never change.
This weekend I kinda let my hormones take over for a couple of hours and jerked myself for two, simultaneously, guys. It was totally retro, come one, but it was fun. I even received some pics from them, which I must confess, were totally used properly for my personal pleasure.
Anyway. I’m not 16 anymore and Yes, some sex will be provided in the future with both of them, if I get lucky, of them.. hwhwhw, but the point is that none of these make my feel like I’m falling in love or something. I didn’t even feel promiscuous about that either.
I’m still dating myself, so let’s consider this a threesome. Whwhwh
# s – Ft
Motto: “It doesn’t make sense, does it?”
Next topic: Dancing with myself

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